CIAG is a home for all who are looking for an authentic relationship with God and others.
CIAG is a unique church for the Cayman Islands. Our mandate is to make a difference in the Cayman, and our mission is to be Messengers of Hope. We welcome everyone to CIAG, but we especially want to welcome two groups of people: unchurched locals and the expat community. Because there are so many churches in Cayman, CIAG has always strived to be a “different” option for those seeking to find a place in the body of Christ to fit into; to be a place where people will have a “different” kind of encounter with the Message of Hope, which is Jesus Christ’s love.
In 2012, God placed it on Pastor Dave Tayman’s heart to pursue the establishment of a new ministry here in Cayman that would address some specific needs. Our island’s population is unique and diverse, which presents a set of challenges. Soon after receiving this burden on his heart and sharing it with his wife Robin, and after much prayer and discussion with local church leadership, they recognized God’s will in this vision as well.
They shared the CIAG vision with others and invited those who were passionate about this mission to begin meeting at Governors Square. After a few months of meeting, praying, and planning, God miraculously opened the doors for us to use the Camana Bay Theaters. Pastor Tayman and Robin, along with six core team members, held the first services at Camana Bay in February 2013. Cayman International Assembly of God is the name given to this ministry (CIAG). With only one cinema on the island, CIAG is commonly referred to as “the church at the movie theater.”
Pastor Dave and Robin Tayman relocated from the Cayman Islands to the United States in early 2021, after several years of fruitful ministry. CIAG welcomed Pastors Steven and Erika Da Silva into the role of Lead Pastors as part of their transition.
God has been faithful to CIAG and continues to lead us to become a people and a church who take a Message of Hope everywhere we go, to everyone we meet. We invite you to join us on our journey as we discover what God is doing in and through us.
Meet us at the theater on Sunday at 9:00 & 10:30am – we’re saving a seat for you.